AASC Clinical Research

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I participate?

Clinical research volunteers improve the health of millions of people by helping the medical community make safe advances in science and technology. Your role as a participant is essential for helping us continue to advance the health and well being of people now and in the future.

Can I leave or change my mind?

Yes, you may leave a clinical trial at any time and for any reason.

Will I be compensated?

Volunteers are often reimbursed for their time and travel. The amount of compensation varies per study.

What are the benefits?

  • You may get a new treatment for a disease before it is available to others.
  • You take an active role in advancing your own health care.
  • Researchers may provide you with medical care and frequent check-ups as part of the study.
  • You will help others who may have similar conditions in the future find more effective treatments or managed care.

What is involved with a clinical study?

Each clinical study is different. Before you commit to joining a particular study, you will be taken through an informed consent process. All of the steps of the study will be reviewed and you will be given the chance to ask any questions prior to agreeing to participate.

Will my information be kept confidential?

Yes. No information about you, your participation in the study or your medical history will be released without your permission or unless required by law.

How do I know if a study is right for me?

You should consider several things:

  • The time commitment. For example, you might ask the following questions: How long is the study? How many visits are expected? Where is the study taking place and what time of day or night? What type of interactions will be expected of me with medical staff and researchers? Will I have to keep an accurate log of medical information if asked?
  • Eligibility. Are you aware of all the requirements for study participants and and do you meet them?
  • Continued care. Will you have access to treatment after the study ends at no cost?

What happens after I express interest in a study?

A member of our research team will contact you for a prescreening "visit." This first visit will be conducted over the phone and will be a review of the eligibility criteria and a general overview of the study. If you are eligible and are still interested, you will move to the screening process.

How long do trials last?

Trials can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to months or even years. Participation is always voluntary, though, and participants can drop out at any time if needed.

Additional Resources:

ClinicalTrials.gov a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world

ResearchAsCare.com Research as a Care Option – you can make a world of difference

U.S. FDA: Websites with Information About Clinical Trials

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