What are allergies?

Allergies are caused by your immune system reacting to pollen, cat dander or other triggers as harmful to your body, even though they're not. When you breathe in pollen, for example, your body sees that foreign substance as the enemy and goes to work to against it. Regrettably, the immune system's reactions are often worse than any harm the perceived invader might cause.

What does an allergic reaction look like?

Common allergy reactions include:

  • Runny nose
  • Post nasal drip
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Coughing
  • Watery, red, itchy or swollen eyes
  • Headaches
  • Ear congestion or frequent ear infections
  • Frequent sinus infections

But can also cause:

  • Loss of smell
  • Low productivity or poor concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances and/or snoring

What causes my allergies?

Most allergies are categorized as perennial or seasonal. You may notice that some of your symptoms appear only during certain times of the year, like spring or fall. Those symptoms are caused by seasonal allergens: pollinating spring grasses trigger itchy eyes and throats, while ragweed pollen in the fall results in stuffy noses and a raspy cough. Some people have allergic symptoms year-round. Perennial allergens include pet dander, dust mites, some foods and mold. Visit any of the pages listed to the left for more information on the specific types of allergens.

Can't I just live with my allergies?

Allergy symptoms can be more than bothersome or irritating. They can interfere with your day-to-day activities and sleep, resulting in loss of productivity, missed work or school, and an overall poor quality of life. But it's not enough to simply tell you that. Anyone who has lived with allergies knows the effect they can have. As the saying goes, small things can add up, whether it's the used tissues piling up on your desk, the bottles of empty eye drops or nose sprays, or the regular doses of medications for that dull headache that lasts all spring or fall. For anyone with more severe allergies, life can grind to a complete halt.

Take the first step!

It's important to begin with the cause of your symptoms and not just the symptoms themselves. By identifying the root cause of your fatigue or headaches, you can better focus your attention on fighting the source. If you suspect a pet or food allergy, you can know why you have itchy skin or digestive issues without first having to try drastic, and potentially unnecessary, measures. Our board-certified allergists will discuss with you your history, symptoms and concerns. Then based on that discussion, we may schedule a skin test. The results of your skin test along with your exam will be studied by your allergist. Each allergist at The Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Center has completed four years of medical school, a residency in internal medicine or pediatrics, and a fellowship in allergy and immunology. They are trained and experienced in their field, which is why we confidently refer to them as "the allergy experts," and why we believe you can trust them.

Once your specific allergen is identified, your allergist will work with you to find the best route toward relief. Sometimes avoidance is ideal, but not all allergy triggers can be avoided. Other times, prescription combined with over-the-counter medicines are best for quick relief, especially when dosed and monitored by your allergist. And in some instances, if you're allergic to more than one thing, have year-round symptoms or are ready to take back control of your daily life without relying on medication, immunotherapy may help. So consider making an appointment today. We'd love to see you, and we know we can help!

"They have the best kid friendly staff that I have ever seen. Everyone that we came in contact with was extremely friendly and helpful." -T. Mynatt

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